Author Archives: janet

Cleaning House before a Chicago Move

Welcome Back to Meyers Movers Chicago Moving Tips Blog!

 Last week we discussed what should be left behind in the home by the sellers before their Chicago move. This week we will address the condition your property should be left in before going to closing.  It is really quite simple. Leave it the way you would want it if you were moving in. You would want it clean and clear of trash and debris.

Your Chicago move process has kept you busy for quite some time now. You are almost done! After your Chicago movers have cleared your home of your belongings, it is quite easy to make your home move in clean.  Here is a check-list of common cleaning courtesies:

  • Floors should be swept clean
  • Carpets should be vacuumed
  • Refrigerator should be empty and wiped clean
  • Oven should be clean and empty except for broil pan
  • Kitchen and bathroom counters should be wiped clean and dry
  • Sinks, tubs and shower stalls should be wiped down
  • There should be no trash or debris anywhere in the house or on the property

In most cases it will state in the purchase agreement what condition the house will be left in before closing. Sometimes it is agreed upon to have professional cleaners clean the house. Other times a simple broom swept condition is all that is required. Read your agreement over carefully and understand what is required in your case.

Having been in the Chicago move business as long as we have, we often notice the little extra touches our customers have left for their buyers. Of course these are not at all necessary but very nice indeed. Some examples have been to leave a new roll of toilet paper in the bathroom and a new roll of paper towels on the kitchen counter in case the buyers arrive and can’t find where they packed these immediate necessities. Some people have left take-out menus to their favorite restaurants in the area with the house manuals. How nice to arrive in a new home and then easily order dinner in from a recommended local shop when you are not yet unpacked or too tired to shop or cook. Some sellers have left a few copies of old photographs of the home so the buyers had a visual history of the home and property. It seems to help sellers leaving a home they loved to share a sentiment with the new owners.

The staff and crew here at Meyers Movers wish you all the best with your Chicago move. Good luck in your new home!




Chicago Moving Company Provides Information on What to Leave Behind

You are all packed up and ready to leave your home. Your Chicago moving company will arrive to load everything up and move you to your new home. What should you leave behind?

What do you have to leave behind?  Typically anything that is a “fixture” stays behind when selling your home. A fixture is defined as anything that is affixed or fastened to your property. A fixture becomes part of the property and therefore part of the sale. Each state has its own guidelines for defining fixtures so check with your real estate agent for specifics involving your home in your state.

Some examples of fixtures:

  • Mounted light fixtures and their shades
  • Ceiling fans
  • Mirrors that are fastened rather than hung on walls
  • Curtain rods
  • Shades/blinds
  • Built-in bookshelves
  • All cabinet and door hardware
  • Built-in appliances such as dishwasher and oven/range
  • Anything planted and rooted in the landscaping-shrubs, perennials, etc.

If you are really attached to a particular fixture in your home and do not want to leave it behind, remove it and replace it before a buyer ever sees it. For instance, if you hand-crafted a crystal chandelier and you do not want to part with it, take it down before you show your home and replace it with another light fixture.

Other items to leave behind:

  • All keys to doors, windows, gates, mailbox etc.
  • All remotes for garage doors, ceiling fans, security systems, etc.
  • Appliance manuals, warranties and necessary receipts should be neatly left in one place
  • Touch-up paint to match the current wall color
  • Pertinent flooring material or roof tiles can be neatly left and stacked in the garage if new owner wants it

Some items may be expected to sell with the house but aren’t required to be. To avoid any complications on closing day or after, have anything expected to sell with the house to be included in the purchase agreement between you and the buyer. Examples could be curtains/drapes, appliances that are not built in like refrigerators, washers and dryers. Be clear ahead of time about what you are offering to leave behind so it can be included in your purchase agreement. Make sure your Chicago moving company is aware of what stays or goes according to the agreement.

Once your Chicago moving company loads the van with your belongings, your home and property should be empty of all debris, trash and personal belongings. Check back next week when Meyers Movers your local Chicago Moving Company, will discuss cleaning your house before sale and other final sale day details.

Ways for Chicago Movers to Go Green

We are in the green of summer and the busiest moving season. It is a perfect time for Chicago movers to consider making choices for a greener move. Chicago movers can lessen the impact that a move can have on the environment by following a few easy tips.

Recycle-People often clean out and clear out what is no longer needed before a move. They often find items in the home that are no longer used or needed. We encourage you to recycle as much as possible rather than just throwing these things away. To find out what can be recycled in your area, we recommend where you can find a recycle guide as well as a search tool for finding recycling in your zip code area. Plus, you can lower your move costs by moving fewer items that you really don’t need anyway.

Donate-There are many organizations who would be willing to take things off of your hands and keep them out of the landfills. We recommend where you can find a charity that will pick up your donations for free.

Boxes-You will need many boxes for packing up your things but they do not need to be brand new. Consider recycling boxes by using them again. There are several ways of doing this. Some stores give away boxes from shipments of goods. Sometimes you can find these boxes stacked in the front of a store free for the taking. If they are in good shape, sturdy and dry, they can be used. If you know you are moving in a few months, start collecting boxes and packing material from packages you receive in the mail and let your friends know you are collecting them as well. Even better-if you know a friend that has recently moved, ask for their boxes once they are finished with them. Bet they would be happy to have you take them off their hands. When you are finished with your boxes, be sure to recycle them or pass them along to another friend who will be moving. Another way to save on purchasing new cardboard is to use containers that you already own to pack things in. You can also rent heavy duty plastic tubs. Check with your Chicago moving company-WM Meyers Movers for green saving packing ideas and resources.

Packing materials-Consider using items around the house for packing your belongings instead of purchasing bubble wrap, packing peanuts and other new packing material. You can use towels, blankets, pillows, newspaper, junk mail, used office paper, shredded paper, plastic bags, brown grocery bags and many other items you regularly have around the house. You will help with the environmental impact and save money too. Ask us for advice – we can offer information about safe and green packing materials, as well as money savings tips.

WM Meyers Movers hopes that we have inspired our Chicago movers to consider a greener move. There are countless sources and ideas on-line for reducing waste and the environmental impact of your move. We hope this just gets the ball rolling with your thinking and choices surrounding your move.




The Busiest Chicago Move Season is Heating Up!

Yes! Summer has arrived and so has our busiest Chicago move season of the year. Are you ready to go? We are!  Meyers Movers is standing by with our experienced staff and crew to ensure that your move is a smooth one.

As you get closer to your move day, things start to happen fast. We want you to be fully prepared for your Chicago move. It can be a challenge to keep organized and stay on top of all your moving tasks when you probably already have a busy schedule. This can be even more challenging if you have never moved before. There are so many things to think about. Fortunately we have decades of moving experience and are ready to lend a hand.

Meyers Movers can help by providing you with this Moving Planner-Read Here. Whether you are months, weeks or days away from your move, you can look to this planner to help you remember and organize your move. We appreciate all that you have to do. Moving is a huge undertaking and considered one of the most stressful life changes. Use this planner to ease your stress. As you check things off, you will feel accomplished and ready for loading day.

If you are packing yourself, Meyers Movers can also help with packing supplies. We have a wide array of moving boxes and supplies, as well as pre-packaged moving kits.  All supplies are of the same quality used by professional movers and affordably priced. And of course, if you need help packing – we can help you with full service professional packing.

The heat is on but you can keep cool during your Chicago move process with an organized plan and of course an ice-cream! Good Luck!

Practice Safety on Chicago Moving Day

In recognition of National Safety Month, we here at Meyers Movers make it a point to share a message of safety with our Chicago moving customers in June and throughout the year. Last week we shared some tips and resources for packing safely when preparing for your Chicago move. This week we place our safety focus on moving day itself.  We want you, your pets, your family and your movers to have a safe and pleasant moving experience.

So you are all packed up, ready to load and move to your new home. Whether you hired movers or are moving yourself, the safety of everyone involved is a top priority. Here is a small checklist to get you thinking about safety on your Chicago moving day:

Small children and pets-It is best to have someone look after your small children and pets on safety day. Doors will be propped open and people will be moving heavy items out of the home and onto a truck. Children and pets could easily wander outside and possibly get lost. They could also get in the way of heavy dangerous lifting and risk being hurt. They will be safer off the premises in the care of friends or family.

Keep all walkways and doorways free from obstacles-Periodically check the residence inside and out throughout the moving process. Helpers could trip and fall with heavy items if passageways are not left clear.

When disassembling furniture-Use the proper tools and place them in a safe place when not in use.

Be sure to keep a first aid kit handy-This is one thing you do not want to pack and load. Keep one near you through the move day should anyone need it.

Food and water-Keep hydrated throughout the day and remember to eat for strength and endurance. Water and healthy snacks should be set aside in a tote for a quick grab when you need it.

Rest-Get plenty of necessary rest the night before your move so you are alert and refreshed.

Dress for the climate conditions-you may need protective clothing to stay warm, cool or dry. Wear sunscreen and bug repellant if necessary.

If you are moving yourself-Be sure to have heavy duty gloves to protect your hands while lifting your items. Make sure you have the right moving gear such as handcarts and straps for heavy items.

Lock up-Check all windows and doors. They should be closed properly and locked to protect the dwelling after you are gone.

This not an inclusive list as every move has its own safety considerations. We just wanted to get you thinking about keeping safe on Chicago moving day. Take some time before you move to think about safety in and around your move, and then make your helpers aware of anything they would need to know to keep everyone safe. Avoid moving accidents. Keep alert and aware on Chicago moving day. Meyers Movers wish you a safe and pleasant move!





Packing Safety Tips for Chicago Movers

June is National Safety Month and Meyers Movers would like to provide some timely reminders for Chicago movers to practice safety during the move process. We are dedicating this month to sharing tips and resources for safe moving. This week we would like to draw your attention to safety matters having to do with the packing.

Your home is about to be turned inside out. All the contents are moving and shifting as you prepare for loading day. With everything out of place, your surroundings become less familiar to you increasing the chances of an accident.

Please look over the following list of safety considerations for the packing process of your move:

  • Packing Boxes-If you are packing and moving boxes yourself, you should be able to comfortably lift the box according to your strength. Know your strength. For step by step lifting instructions, please check out this helpful slideshow on heavy lifting provided by the Mayo Clinic.
  • Keep common passages clear-Hallways, doorways, steps, etc. should be kept clear of boxes, packing material and loose household items to avoid tripping and slipping in your home.
  • Keep packing tools such as box cutters, knives, tape cutters and scissors out of reach of children and off the floor to protect your family and pets.
  • Use heavy duty protective packing materials-To protect your belongings, be sure to use sturdy and strong boxes that will handle the weight of the contents. Also have padded wrapping materials such as bubble wrap to protect fragile items.

Of course, Meyers Movers would be happy to provide Chicago movers with our professional packing service. Give us a call and we will provide safe and secure packing. Also, you can read more packing tips on our site.

Let’s kick off National Safety Month with healthy and safe packing! We invite our Chicago movers to check back later this month for more moving safety tips.


Moving Plan for Movers in Chicago

It is May, National Moving Month. The month that begins the busiest relocation season of the year. If you are one of the millions in the United States about to move this summer, you need a move plan. Some people are naturals at managing a huge pile of tasks. For them organizing a move does not feel like an overwhelming challenge, but most of us could use a bit of help with the planning especially movers in Chicago who are moving for the very first time.

Meyers Movers makes it our business to assist movers in Chicago with their move plan. There are so many things to consider. The mountain of tasks can seem overwhelming and add to stress levels if you don’t have a plan. Where do you begin?

Luckily there is a methodical way to go about spreading tasks out over weeks and even months so you can comfortably deal with each consideration along the way. We like to help you think of the things that need to be done and then help you with the timing of the tasks so that on moving day, you feel calm and ready to make your move. As a Prime Arpin Agent, we encourage you to check out this handy Arpin Moving Planner. It is a fabulous guide through the move process using a timeline leading up to your Chicago move. You can print the plan out and begin checking things off and taking notes. You will soon discover just how manageable the whole move can be.

Of course if you have any questions or concerns about any part of your move process, we are here to help and will guide you as best we can. We can lend our knowledge and experience to take the stress out of your move. As our movers in Chicago work through all the move preparations and then the actual relocation, the Meyers Movers team wish you a pleasant and relaxing experience every step of the way.

Chicago Moving Company Celebrates National Moving Month with the Facts

It is here again! May is National Moving Month. May begins the busiest moving season of the year.  It is time to get serious about your choice for a Chicago moving company. National Moving Month serves to inform and protect consumers as they embark on their search. You need to take your time and get the facts about the companies you are considering.

Today it is all too easy for a supposed mover to seem reputable on a pretty website filled with hype and false claims. Do not take any company’s website at face value until you do your fact checking. We here at Meyers Movers encourage you to check out several sources for information about making the right and secure choice for your Chicago moving company.

AMSA (American Moving & Storage Association) have teamed up this month with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) in honor of National Moving Month to bring you this article-AMSA and BBB Offer Tips for Safe, Secure Move.  We encourage you to take a moment to read the article to help you choose a reputable Chicago moving company.

Meyers Movers respect and value the work that both AMSA and BBB have carried out to protect consumers searching for a moving company. We are proud to be a BBB accredited business as well as an AMSA ProMover. Our customers enjoy real peace of mind when they trust their choice in us.

Another great resource to check out this May is one we share time and again-the US Department of Transportation’s Protect Your Move website. There are countless tips and articles on how to avoid moving fraud.

Celebrate National Moving Month with the facts about your Chicago moving company.  You won’t get far on fraud. You will go a long way on facts. Meyers Movers wishes you a successful and secure move!

Stress Free Chicago Moving with Pets

This week is National Pet week. As your resourceful Chicago moving company, we here at Meyers Movers are always looking for ideas and tips for our Chicago movers.  National Pet Week obviously gets us thinking about your pets and how to keep them calm and safe through your Chicago move.

In April we shared a reminder for providing new proper identification for your pet that reflects your new address. Please go back and check out that article for resources to help you with that. This week we want to focus on a stress-free move for your pets. We all know that moving can be one of the most stressful life changes.  As your trusted Chicago moving company, we set out to take away as much of your stress as possible. We realize that your pets will also experience some stress surrounding your move. They will begin to sense the changes as they watch the packing process and see things being moved around or taken away. Naturally we want your pets to have a stress-free move as well.

Check out these resources we found for helping your family pet with the move transition all while keeping them safe:

ASPCA-Moving with Your Pet-ASPCA Director of Anti-Cruelty Behavior Research Dr. Katherine Miller discusses ways to make the transition as safe and easy as possible.

Pet Finder-Pets on the Move-Considerations and proper preparation tips to ensure that your move will go more smoothly for your pets.

Pets Welcome Moving With Pets-Extensive list of tips and considerations for the actual transport and travel arrangements for your pet on the move.

We believe that with the proper planning, trusted resources and the support of a competent trusted Chicago moving company, moving does not have to be overwhelming for any members of your family, including the furry ones. That is why at Meyers Movers, we are committed to connecting you with the best planning practices and moving tips. Good luck moving your pet to your new home!



Chicago Movers-ID Pets Before You Move

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the third week in April is National Pet ID week. This prompted us here at Meyers Movers to remind our Chicago movers to have your pet identification updated immediately upon arrival. It is a good idea to prepare at least a collar tag before you get there so you can place the updated tag on your pet when you arrive in your new home.

For Chicago movers traveling a long distance with your pet, it is also a good idea to get a temporary tag that you place alongside the regular tag on the collar with the location of the places you plan to stop and stay along the way. This is a good idea for regular traveling as well.

You can visit American Humane Society for tips on Identification Tags and Microchips. You will need to pick up your pets veterinary records shortly before you move. This would be a good time to bring up pet identification options with your veterinarian. Also, do not forget to research ahead to find a new veterinarian so that you are prepared with that contact upon arrival. You can call ahead, introduce yourself and ask questions about your pet moving to the new environment.

Moving can be a bit disorienting or stressful for your pet. They may respond to the move by running and hiding somewhere outside in the new unknown environment. Please protect your furry family friend with proper pet identification. Check back next week for tips for Chicago movers on helping your pet have a stress-free move. At Meyers Movers, we are all about your stress-free move. That goes for your pets too!